Thursday, December 4, 2008

Promotion: Rolling Stone.

I have been gone to Oklahoma for my Thanksgiving "break" and came back to a fresh Rolling Stone - something else to keep my mind off doing all my homework. So, I sat down on my couch and began my reading. In the Reviews Top Singles section the Heartless Bastards were mentioned with a sweet blurb about their new single, "The Mountain." I've been extremely partial to this song because I think it's absolutely breathless, but then again, I do work for the Bastard's management team. After reading the blurb I called my boss, Megan, to tell her the good news. She then said, "Oh yeah, the Smoking Section mention?" (The S.S. is a part of the magazine where new information is passed on to the public - they also have an online S.S.) I was confused, "No, they're mentioned in the Top Singles section..."

So, I looked at the online S.S. and found this...

To be given the title "Best Song in the World" is a f***ing big deal, especially coming from the music publication, Rolling Stone. Lest we forget that words can be exaggerated, but still, this is going to be quite the ego boost for the Bastards and a boost to their play count on MySpace. It would have been good for the C3 management team to track how much their counts increased over the few days after the S.S.'s song props. Too bad I didn't know of this happening or I could have watched the increase, if any. Oh, and if you haven't listened to the song yet, get your ass on it.

Promotion: My Designs.

In memory of my time with C3 Presents I thought I'd share a few of the designs I worked up for our bands we managed. Yesterday was my last day there and I had a great run - June to December - whooo! So, feast your eyes upon my design work. I'd like for you to keep in mind that artists like to have a say with everything - all work has to be approved, so these may not be as "designey" as I would have liked, but no worries. It gets the point across I suppose.

For Ben Kweller's European tour...

One of the many Heartless Bastards digital flyers...

My favorite flyer for What Made Milwaukee Famous...

My favorite poster for Black Joe Lewis...

It's been real. Peace, C3.